He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure. Isaiah 33:6
This past year, I have only been trying to act justly, love mercy, & walk humbly with my God, & I firmly believe He has manifested Himself in my life in countless ways despite the times I have failed. I have been challenged, I have grown, & I have learned about His character. He has been Giver, Lover, Friend; Secret Keeper, Provider, Pasture Maker. He has been my Foothold that's familiar. He is the Beginning and the End. So, as I press on with my school work, dreaming about the summer days, I'm reminded that He has also been faithful in answering questions and fears that have crept into me about what my summer will hold. Now, I just can't wait for it to start...
(P.C.: Google Images)
Here's to the tousled hair, no makeup, sitting by the pool (with an obliging boyfriend), carefree days of summer! (As I write this, I'm wondering how many of these days will actually happen.)
Bless & be blessed.
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