His name was Gene. He looked to be in his mid-fifties. He was tall, donned a matching hat & shirt with "TCA" embroidered on them & a red-lettered name tag that obviously read "Gene," & spent his day looking through a fairly large pair of bifocals. Summarily, he was an adorable old man.
I don't know if Gene was startled by my lumbering down the hallway or frightened for my safety due to restricted vision by the big box, but he poked his head out of an office & asked if I needed his help. A little confused by all of the activity of the morning, I turned around in two circles & eventually complied with what I believe was Gene's rhetorical question. Gene said, "I'll trade you my coffee." So, I held Gene's coffee, & Gene held my big box. We continued our way down the hallway when Gene inquired about where we were headed. I told him the dance room. Gene replied, "That's where I was headed. I'm going to teach those two left footed, white, Baptist girls how to dance." After regaining my composure, I admittedly told Gene that that's me, except I don't have two left feet. Gene & I finally walked through the dance room doors, & my box had made it's way to where it needed to be- the goal of the morning, but more importantly, I met Gene.
I've never been one to harp on "random acts of kindness," but Gene's act of kindness will never be forgotten. He was a sweet man, & he expertly radiated the love of Jesus Christ as if he knew The Man himself, & I have a feeling that he did. He was encouraging to my spirit, & I didn't mind the few laughs in between.
The rest of the day went beautifully, & I fell in love with the Trinity Christian Trojanettes. They're joyful young women, filled to the brim with Jesus, & they, too, encouraged me to fall at the feet of my Savior everyday & dance at His throne. These words hung on the mirror of their dance room:
Talent- It's God-given. Be thankful.
Fame-It's man-given. Be humble.
Self-Conceit- It's self-given. Be careful.
Today was a day of sweet reminders. Thank You, Jesus.
Edit:// I also met a little puppy today named Bella. : )

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