My life, the days I spend wandering around this planet, the hours I spend meandering around my small, small world, cannot be deemed as "good" based on my circumstances. A "good" day doesn't mean that nothing bad happens. A "good" day doesn't mean that that boy or that girl smiled at you (Ryan Trevino, I love you, & I do not look for boys to smile at me). A "good" day doesn't mean you got an A on a geography quiz. A "good" day doesn't mean that for some reason everything fell into place.
What is a "good" day? Here's what I think: A good day means getting up only to fall in love with Jesus more. A good day means recognizing the urgency of the Gospel & sharing it with the weird looking girl who sits next to you in math class. A good day means encouraging a brother or sister in the Lord to keep up the good fight of the faith. A good day means being encouraged just the same. And, to be honest, a good day means a good cup of coffee... Or maybe that's just me.
I don' t do all of these things all of the time, but a good day also means thanking God every single moment possible for sending His precious & perfect Son to die an excruciating death on a beautiful cross. Doesn't get any better than that...
Jesus, we are desperate for You. We're homesick children, & we're eagerly awaiting Your return. You are our only good.
In all that I have found
Your evidence abounds
I’ve always sensed Your fingerprints
If I just look around...
Your evidence abounds
I’ve always sensed Your fingerprints
If I just look around...
And yet this grand display
Will all soon pass away
So I hold on to the mighty truth
That Your love is here to stay...
Will all soon pass away
So I hold on to the mighty truth
That Your love is here to stay...
Life has let me down
In wealth, joy can’t be found
I’ve searched for peace in all of these
But I have always found...
In wealth, joy can’t be found
I’ve searched for peace in all of these
But I have always found...
When I stumble
When I fall
When I’m walking ten feet tall
Your love is there day after day
Even at the worst extreme
Or after I have been redeemed
Your love is there
And it won’t let me go
When I fall
When I’m walking ten feet tall
Your love is there day after day
Even at the worst extreme
Or after I have been redeemed
Your love is there
And it won’t let me go
The love of the Lord endures

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