
Eagerly Awaiting His Arrival

And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13:26
I remember going into my parent's closet as a little girl to smell my dad's sweatshirts when he was at work. Sometimes even wearing one seemed to soothe my little girl sadness and reminded me that dad would be home again. And he always was. I missed him so much, anticipated his coming home with each trip, and bounded towards the door when I heard his car in the driveway.

Laying in bed last night, I remembered this little fact about my childhood and smiled. I smiled because although my earthly father is wonderful, my heavenly Father is beyond wonderful. I smiled because like I always knew my dad would return, I know that Jesus will one day return and this maddening world will be in complete submission to Him. As I lay there, I asked myself, if I longed for my earthly father to return, how much more should I be longing for my heavenly Father to return?

And so I eagerly await His arrival. 
I will sigh and with all creation groan as I wait for Hope to come for me...

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder of where we are in God's history of redemption; right in the middle of the climax between Christ's Ascension and Return. Thank you for that reminder! =)
