That was my heart two nights ago. I found myself wrought with emotion before the Lord, amongst a majority of those I love most in life, and all I could do was cry. Sob, really, because I was struck by the Lord's sovereignty and His gentle pursuit of me. I was struck by His unrelenting love and His strength. Yes, His mighty strength.
Thursday was a full day of exams and a tiring run. I was exhausted come 5 o'clock, and the day was not even close to over. Begrudgingly, I made my way to Bible study, less than excited about leading a group of girls in a discussion about marriage and doubted my ability to stay awake past 7. I just wanted sleep and lots of it, and thus continued the Lord's pursuit of me, even in my reluctance.
As we began singing this song during worship, my heart melted and became soft in His presence. Weakness and exhaustion flowed out of my body in the form of tears, and I was silenced. I didn't sing through this song or this song simply because I couldn't. All I could do was cry as He allowed me to feel Him. What a privilege.
Jesus. There's no sweeter name, no sweeter friend, and no sweeter sacrifice. Realization and adoration of such a gift brought me to tears, and needless to say, Jesus is better. Name anything or anyone, and He is better.

**Happy October 1st!
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