You wouldn't believe how many times I've begun to type something in this little text box and pressed backspace. Words are insufficient; words fall short. It's as if there's a disconnect between my head and my heart, a disturbing nuisance making fuzzy the connections that I so often rely on as I'm not adept with the spoken word. I want to write! I want to write about the joys that invade my life and the fears that are
sometimes quick to choke them. I want to share my struggles, the things which threaten to suffocate me, and I want to share my victories, the things which are meant to be celebrated. Oh, how I want to write with reckless abandon...
But not tonight. Words elude me, and I'm left with a single phrase that's been reverberating off the walls of my heart:
I am His, and He is mine.
And right now,
that is sufficient.

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