Run, it feels like the right thing to turn your back and run
Where, where are you going as fast as you can
Just Stay
You're where you're meant to be
You're no runaway
Why don't you stay...
-Stay, Joy Williams
This song has been played over & over in my little apartment room, 131B, like an anthem. An anthem to my life. A reminder to abide in Jesus. To stay with Him. Just today, I have realized that He is creative beyond my understanding, beautiful beyond my recognition, & holy beyond my comprehension, amongst a kajillions of other things. (Note:// Kajillion is not a word, but jillion is.) And I have also realized that in response to the wonders of God & His love for me, I must pick up my cross & follow Him. I must drop my fishing nets, like Andrew & Peter, & follow Him. I must die to myself & follow Him. I must lose my life for His sake in order to find it. (Another note://I'm pretty sure Jesus said this about five times. Don't quote me on it, but it must be important.) I'm still trying to learn what exactly that looks like, but I hope that in learning, I will fall more in love with my Creator.
My favorite: For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me & for the gospel will save it. Mark 8:35
The beautiful thing about Jesus, the Cross, actively pursuing a relationship with Him, being full of Joy, & remaining in the Light is the choice to do so. The Israelites were given the choice between life & prosperity or death & destruction. Choosing life, choosing to be obedient to God, not being distracted by other gods & worshiping them, & choosing to make Him the length of all days- It's that hard. It's that easy.
In everything...
Choose Life. Choose trust. Choose to remember. Choose to seek Him. Choose to turn off the TV. Choose good music (This is relative). Choose vegetables. Choose romance. Choose loyalty. Choose joy. Choose to strive for more out of a relationship, not more out of the other person. Choose to be content. Choose to be uncomfortable. Choose responsibility. Choose to be brave. Choose passion. Choose to cross at the crosswalk. Choose coffee. Choose to say yes. Choose dogs. Choose to do the hard thing. Choose to stop. Choose to go. Choose Love. Choose to stay.
I feel like a Hallmark card, so I must sign off this blogging before I vomit all over myself.

(P.C.: Google Images)
Autumn, I choose to wait for you...only because I have some boots like that, & my feet are itching to be in them.