Edit:// And this happened just a couple of days before.
That Time I Turned 21...
Here's what I love about my twenty-first birthday: I remember every single minute about it. Here are some pictures from the day...
Twenty-one, I love you so far.
Edit:// And this happened just a couple of days before.
Edit:// And this happened just a couple of days before.
I am twenty-one today. 21. Twenty plus one! Either way you say it, it's weird. And either way you write it, I'm officially a twenty-something, one of my wildest dreams realized. I sat down to write and sing last night, pondering what this twenty-first year of my life will be like and dreaming of the coming days, of what I will do, where I will go, and who I will love. And yet I couldn't contemplate the future without considering the past, my past, marked by a resounding theme- He is faithful.
He is faithful.
For twenty years, He has known me, and my soul delights in this truth. My soul longs to be known, and my heart desires to be perceived and established in another's. Yes, He has known me for twenty years, but He also knew me before I was ever an idea or a possibility, when my body was still unformed. All the days ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be.
For twenty years, He has pursued me, gently wooing me to Himself. He has invited me into His presence and bound my heart to His. I crave intimacy, closeness, understanding, and He has delivered through the sweetness of His Word and Holy Spirit. He has allured me, led me into the desert, and spoken tenderly to me.
For twenty years, He has loved me, but the greatest act of love that He has shown happened thousands of years ago- the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of His death and resurrection, I have life and life abundantly. The Author of my salvation, the Lord of all creation, fully man, and fully God hung beneath the weight of my sin, died, and gloriously rose to life. He was pierced for my transgressions and crushed for my iniquities.
I am twenty-one. And I will forever be in awe of His faithfulness.
**Yay, twenty-one! I'm excited to meet you!
And happy birthday, John Mayer.
He is faithful.
For twenty years, He has known me, and my soul delights in this truth. My soul longs to be known, and my heart desires to be perceived and established in another's. Yes, He has known me for twenty years, but He also knew me before I was ever an idea or a possibility, when my body was still unformed. All the days ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be.
For twenty years, He has pursued me, gently wooing me to Himself. He has invited me into His presence and bound my heart to His. I crave intimacy, closeness, understanding, and He has delivered through the sweetness of His Word and Holy Spirit. He has allured me, led me into the desert, and spoken tenderly to me.
For twenty years, He has loved me, but the greatest act of love that He has shown happened thousands of years ago- the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of His death and resurrection, I have life and life abundantly. The Author of my salvation, the Lord of all creation, fully man, and fully God hung beneath the weight of my sin, died, and gloriously rose to life. He was pierced for my transgressions and crushed for my iniquities.
I am twenty-one. And I will forever be in awe of His faithfulness.
**Yay, twenty-one! I'm excited to meet you!
And happy birthday, John Mayer.
Eagerly Awaiting His Arrival
And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13:26
I remember going into my parent's closet as a little girl to smell my dad's sweatshirts when he was at work. Sometimes even wearing one seemed to soothe my little girl sadness and reminded me that dad would be home again. And he always was. I missed him so much, anticipated his coming home with each trip, and bounded towards the door when I heard his car in the driveway.
Laying in bed last night, I remembered this little fact about my childhood and smiled. I smiled because although my earthly father is wonderful, my heavenly Father is beyond wonderful. I smiled because like I always knew my dad would return, I know that Jesus will one day return and this maddening world will be in complete submission to Him. As I lay there, I asked myself, if I longed for my earthly father to return, how much more should I be longing for my heavenly Father to return?
And so I eagerly await His arrival.
I will sigh and with all creation groan as I wait for Hope to come for me...
I remember going into my parent's closet as a little girl to smell my dad's sweatshirts when he was at work. Sometimes even wearing one seemed to soothe my little girl sadness and reminded me that dad would be home again. And he always was. I missed him so much, anticipated his coming home with each trip, and bounded towards the door when I heard his car in the driveway.
Laying in bed last night, I remembered this little fact about my childhood and smiled. I smiled because although my earthly father is wonderful, my heavenly Father is beyond wonderful. I smiled because like I always knew my dad would return, I know that Jesus will one day return and this maddening world will be in complete submission to Him. As I lay there, I asked myself, if I longed for my earthly father to return, how much more should I be longing for my heavenly Father to return?
And so I eagerly await His arrival.
I will sigh and with all creation groan as I wait for Hope to come for me...
Wedding, Wedding, Wedding
My dear, sweet friend, Molly got married this past Friday evening. Here are some pictures + captions, because we know they're only good pictures if they have captions.
Me and the bride. Bride, you guys. That's crazy!
This woman can assemble wedding decorations faster (and better) than you can say jack sprat. So impressive.
Me and Miss Abigail. Sweet personified.
Love this family. I will visit you in Midland. I pinky promise!
The Klay Cunningham, harmonizer extraordinaire.
And me and Sassy Mo. Sometimes we look the same.
Congrats, M & J!
Bonus://Some required Monday morning listening. Soak. It. Up.
Dancing in the Rain//He Reigns
This occasion called for a celebration of sorts (and cue a mad dash down the back porch stairs into the rain...)!
Rain Pose. Get it, gurl.
We danced for like, 13.5 minutes.
Pre-rain leap.
Broommates. Big love.
He gives rain on the earth and sends waters on the fields. Job 5:10
Thank Him for the rain, praise Him for the rain. : )
Behold Our God
Singing this song this morning...
Who has held the oceans in His hands?
Who has numbered every grain of sand?
Kings and nations tremble at His voice.
All creaion rises to rejoice.
Behold our God seated on His throne.
Come, let us adore Him.
Behold our King. Nothing can compare.
Come, let us adore Him.
Who has given counsel to the Lord?
Who can question any of His words?
Who can teach the One who knows all things?
Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds?
Behold our God seated on His throne.
Come, let us adore Him.
Behold our King. Nothing can compare
Come, let us adore Him
Who has felt the nails upon His hands?
Bearing all the guilt of sinful man.
God eternal, humbled to the grave;
Jesus Savior, risen now to reign.
Behold our God seated on His throne.
Come, let us adore Him.
Behold our King. Nothing can compare.
Come, let us adore Him.
You will reign forever! Let Your glory fill the earth!
Who has held the oceans in His hands?
Who has numbered every grain of sand?
Kings and nations tremble at His voice.
All creaion rises to rejoice.
Behold our God seated on His throne.
Come, let us adore Him.
Behold our King. Nothing can compare.
Come, let us adore Him.
Who has given counsel to the Lord?
Who can question any of His words?
Who can teach the One who knows all things?
Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds?
Behold our God seated on His throne.
Come, let us adore Him.
Behold our King. Nothing can compare
Come, let us adore Him
Who has felt the nails upon His hands?
Bearing all the guilt of sinful man.
God eternal, humbled to the grave;
Jesus Savior, risen now to reign.
Behold our God seated on His throne.
Come, let us adore Him.
Behold our King. Nothing can compare.
Come, let us adore Him.
You will reign forever! Let Your glory fill the earth!
Happy #98232
Ok, maybe we're not to #98232...Here are my top ten favorite things. Right. Now.
1. Sweet potatoes. A great way to usher in the season!
2. Running the streets of Denton (literally) with this girl.
3. Molly's wedding this Friday. Pictures coming.
4. Lyndsay McReynolds.
5.7 am- 9am. My favorite two hours of the day.
6. Contentment.
7. Roommate conversations.
8. The sunrise this morning.
Hello, most brilliant shades of pink and orange.
9. Joshua 10:1-15
10. Empty picture frames.
And this is how Rachel and I like to invite Lindsay to her own birthday celebration. (She likes moose...)
Enjoy today. : )
1. Sweet potatoes. A great way to usher in the season!
2. Running the streets of Denton (literally) with this girl.
3. Molly's wedding this Friday. Pictures coming.
4. Lyndsay McReynolds.
5.7 am- 9am. My favorite two hours of the day.
6. Contentment.
7. Roommate conversations.
8. The sunrise this morning.
Hello, most brilliant shades of pink and orange.
9. Joshua 10:1-15
10. Empty picture frames.
And this is how Rachel and I like to invite Lindsay to her own birthday celebration. (She likes moose...)
Enjoy today. : )
He is Better
Tears rolling down my face, because of Your love and Your sweet embrace...
That was my heart two nights ago. I found myself wrought with emotion before the Lord, amongst a majority of those I love most in life, and all I could do was cry. Sob, really, because I was struck by the Lord's sovereignty and His gentle pursuit of me. I was struck by His unrelenting love and His strength. Yes, His mighty strength.
Thursday was a full day of exams and a tiring run. I was exhausted come 5 o'clock, and the day was not even close to over. Begrudgingly, I made my way to Bible study, less than excited about leading a group of girls in a discussion about marriage and doubted my ability to stay awake past 7. I just wanted sleep and lots of it, and thus continued the Lord's pursuit of me, even in my reluctance.
As we began singing this song during worship, my heart melted and became soft in His presence. Weakness and exhaustion flowed out of my body in the form of tears, and I was silenced. I didn't sing through this song or this song simply because I couldn't. All I could do was cry as He allowed me to feel Him. What a privilege.
Jesus. There's no sweeter name, no sweeter friend, and no sweeter sacrifice. Realization and adoration of such a gift brought me to tears, and needless to say, Jesus is better. Name anything or anyone, and He is better.
Picture credit goes to an old friend.
**Happy October 1st!
That was my heart two nights ago. I found myself wrought with emotion before the Lord, amongst a majority of those I love most in life, and all I could do was cry. Sob, really, because I was struck by the Lord's sovereignty and His gentle pursuit of me. I was struck by His unrelenting love and His strength. Yes, His mighty strength.
Thursday was a full day of exams and a tiring run. I was exhausted come 5 o'clock, and the day was not even close to over. Begrudgingly, I made my way to Bible study, less than excited about leading a group of girls in a discussion about marriage and doubted my ability to stay awake past 7. I just wanted sleep and lots of it, and thus continued the Lord's pursuit of me, even in my reluctance.
As we began singing this song during worship, my heart melted and became soft in His presence. Weakness and exhaustion flowed out of my body in the form of tears, and I was silenced. I didn't sing through this song or this song simply because I couldn't. All I could do was cry as He allowed me to feel Him. What a privilege.
Jesus. There's no sweeter name, no sweeter friend, and no sweeter sacrifice. Realization and adoration of such a gift brought me to tears, and needless to say, Jesus is better. Name anything or anyone, and He is better.

**Happy October 1st!
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