
John Mayer & Jesus in the Same Post

"You ever have that thought that bums you out--you have a thought that bums you out and you're bummed out by the thought, but the thought escapes you, so all you're left with is being bummed out, but you can't remember what it was that bummed you out in the first place so you spend time going back in your mind trying to figure out why you're not looking forward to Tuesday, whatever Tuesday is--you're like, 'What's wrong with Tuesday? Hasn't even happened yet and I'm freaked out about it.' Well, this is a song about going back in your head and making a list and checking it twice and--that was a holiday reference during the summer. Let's hear it for me!"- J.Mayer

Long, but fitting. A summer storm eclipsed the sky this evening, flashes of lightning struck the surrounding air, rain fell at varying intensities & something changed in me. I'm usually uplifted by the darkening of the sky, but tonight was different. Tonight, I became aloof; I became withdrawn. I'm not depressed, but an air of sadness has fallen over me.

In the past three weeks, normalcy and routine have been completely eradicated from my life as I have returned home from school & regrettably settled into the swing of summer. Supposedly, I have been resting, & yet, I'm still tired. Apparently, I've needed these listless days to recharge, but I have become restless. You'd think I'd know the shape of home by now, but I need to relearn how to fit under this roof...Because of the slight adjustment in every day life that I'm begrudgingly accepting, I will admit that I have forgotten about the one constant in life. Christ.

As I look back at the last 21 days, I see lack of time spent in His presence, & I am without excuse. I am always without excuse & always learning the value in consuming myself with Him, daily. I need Him to rid me of the things innate within me. I am a lazy summer without Him. I am without direction & without motivation without Him... I barely exist.

I think I found the thought that has bummed me out, & so I will go to Him, craving His spirit. Always. Thank You for the promise of life, Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

(P.C.: Weheartit)

Good thing I recognize this building to be at the corner of Wacker Dr. & N. Michigan Ave. in Downtown Chicago. I'm in love...

Edit:// It doesn't help that Ryan Trevino (Boyfriend Extraordinaire) will be in my favorite place for a couple of days. Lucky.