

This morning I stepped outside to blinding fog. Literally.
Looking back I feel like driving was a bit like playing
Russian Roulette, however, I'm quite pleased with the
deeper meaning the heavy fog brought with it.

As ambiguous as it is, I liken my life to this road blanketed by fog, and God is the driver of the car ahead of me. Sometimes I can see him, sometimes I am so blinded by my own desires, my own selfish nature, and my own foolishness that I have to squint to see the glow of his love. However, regardless of whether I can "see" God in my life, or Him working in me, He always is.

Bless & be blessed.


A Heavy Heart of Thanks

This morning while I was doodling in my political science class, hardly listening to Professor Collins clamor on about the Texas judicial system, I felt this overwhelming wave of thanks wash over me. I am thankful for my family, my new friends & old friends, my dog, but most evidently , I am so thankful for God's gracious affirmation in my life. I can't express it, maybe words will suffice sometime soon, but I can feel it. I can feel it in good conversation over a delicious cup of coffee or playing soccer with friends in the crisp afternoon air. I can feel it in a mug of sweet peppermint tea in a cushioned chair at my favorite local cafe. I can even feel it in the late hours of studying.

The weight of His love & His mercy, His validation & His grace have so heavily borne upon me these first few months of college, & I am ever so grateful.
Thank You.


A Treasure...

 My friend Chelsey and I found this rare gem 
on Thursday afternoon amongst some fallen leaves .
I hope it makes your day just as surprisingly
beautiful as it made mine.

Let the Battle go on!
While there is wrong to right,
While there is pain of fight,
While there is lack of fight,
Let the battle go on.
Let the Battle go on,
'Til sense is found unreal,
And lies no more appeal,
'Til Holy Truth shall heal,
Let the Battle go on.